In 2O11 the Black poet defined his voice , when he was hosted by the US Embassy, Harare on the International Day of Poetry on the 21st of March at the Public affairs auditorium , reading and reciting a number of his poems published by ezines , journals , anthologies and university presses from around the world., the theme of the event was the rhythm of words and metaphors of voice. also the poet marked the end of his 2010 schedule by being a guest performance poet at Ukubambana peace festival ,Buddz arts festival , Harare international protest arts festival.
At the Hifa spoken word feast the poet, is going to perform at the fringe on the 26th, and the 27th at Hivos Poetry café . On this day theBlaCk poet will engage with the late shone poetry legend ModerKai Hamutyinei , who he mastered when he was seven at Zvegona primary among other poems that go by the theme of the day, a sample of the shone poem is
[ndainge ndiishe zvau muzvinanyika
Ndirindoga ,chikara kubva kudoro
Change chakandikiya kuti shwe ,hwahwa , hwamaichikuye chipanda.
And so on and so on
On the 30th the poet will engage with other poets and publishers around the world , reading poems on socio-political issues published in anthologies from different corners of the world , Canada, States , India ,south Africa , turkey and Haiti, and the 30th the theme is missing teeth a tribute to veteran writer Julius Chingono , who died in January this year. The poem s the black poet will read on the 30th reflect on what is exactly missing in social , political, cultural and economic fabric of the world.
The other poets in the line up include Qaye Qojo from Ghana , who is the laureate of Ghana performance poetry ,Ngwatilo Mawiyoo, the vibrant and dynamic new generation poet from cultural hub of Kenya,Linda Gabriel , a well travelled energetic poetic angel from Malawi ,Pikita Ntuli,a veteran /international recognissed poet and artist from South Africa and others like Daniel Mandishona , Black heat Deshanti , Upmost,Aura .
The Hifa spoken word menu is produced by Chirikure Chirikure, veteran poet and acclaimed live literature producer, while this celebration of words is sponsored by Hivos.
Mbizo chirasha
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